In this episode we explore and discuss AEM(Aggregated Event Measurement) from Meta, which has been a key solution to data delays and clarity on Meta lately.

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In today’s episode, I will discuss AEM and explore its various considerations, advantages, and challenges.
AEM is particularly significant in the context of Apple’s ATT and SKAN initiatives. Right after the introduction of ATT, Facebook relied primarily on SKAN for attribution, which reports installs and conversion events with a delay of approximately 24 to 48 hours(and sometimes more), depending on the configured schema.
This delay meant immediate feedback on advertising spend was unavailable, posing a significant challenge. This drawback prompted many advertisers to migrate to other platforms, such as Google, which employs Firebase for modeled conversions, and other ad networks that offer probabilistic attribution for more immediate feedback.
However, the introduction of Aggregated Event Measurement has addressed the issue of delayed feedback, enabling advertisers to receive timely performance data without the previous two to three-day wait.
Despite these advantages, there are some pitfalls and challenges to consider. First, you must configure AEM – which can be done in your MMP or your events manager on Facebook – and you need a critical mass of events to unlock AEM.
Also since AEM relies on modeled data, it’s crucial to approach AEM carefully. A reliable method to validate AEM’s effectiveness is to compare your conversion numbers against those reported by SKAN.
This comparison can be made within Facebook by accessing the Compare Attribution Settings. Generally, the discrepancy between AEM and SKAN figures is minor if you cross privacy thresholds. However, it’s essential to be vigilant, particularly as the delta between AEM and SKAN can become more significant without a substantial number of IDFAs.
AEM has definitely helped restore confidence in FB performance and ads – and hopefully, this helps restore confidence in your investment decisions on Facebook. Thank you.
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