ASO can be very impactful (and easy to quantify) at the early stages of an app – and apps we’ve worked with have gone from almost zero to a few hundred installs a day just because of their surfacing from ASO activity.
This isn’t understood as an exact science – but there are fairly well-understood ways to set up your keywords and metadata to maximize your traction from searches with high volume and low competition.

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🔑The key challenge with app store keyword optimization: not easily quantifiable
🙌🏽At what stage of an app’s growth ASO can be most impactful.
👀Why incremental organics can be hard to discern for an app that is already at scale.
📈Establishing an organic baseline for a specific country
⚖️Doing a pre-post analysis for a specific country while keeping paid marketing activity roughly constant
One of the key challenges with app store keyword optimization activity is that it isn’t easily measurable or quantifiable, and it’s often important to have to make some assumptions or estimates to understand the true impact of ASO.
ASO can be very impactful(and easy to quantify) at the early stages of an app – and apps we’ve worked with have gone from almost zero to a few hundred installs a day just because of their surfacing from ASO activity. This isn’t understood as an exact science – but there are fairly well-understood ways to set up your keywords and metadata to maximize your traction from searches with high volume and low competition.
While the lift in organics is fairly clear in relatively early stages of an app, it does become challenging if you implement keyword/metadata ASO when your app is at a significant scale. If you’re at say 5000 installs a day and you get a few hundred incremental installs from ASO, it is just harder to spot these changes simply because your organic lift can often be from fluctuations in paid marketing.
The best way to quantify this is to establish an organic baseline for a specific country – and do a pre-post analysis while keeping paid marketing activity roughly constant.
In practice here is how this would look:
-> Keep paid installs in your target geo roughly constant for a month before and after your ASO activity.
-> Track average daily organic baselines for a month prior to ASO activity.
-> Look at average daily organics for a month after ASO activity.
-> Compare your daily organics post-ASO with your organics for the prior period.
This typically can be the best possible approach to quantify your App Store Optimization (ASO) activity.
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Thank you – and I look forward to seeing you with the next episode!