Today’s episode is a mini-episode – and it punctuates our regular weekly programming of interviews, which will continue next Wednesday.
These mini-episodes are short vignettes based on mobile user acquisition topics or themes that we think could be helpful or instructive for you folks.
This mini episode is a mini-case study, and describes a phenomenon we saw recently – and were able to diagnose.

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Today’s episode is a mini-episode – and it punctuates our regular weekly programming of interviews, which will continue next Wednesday.
These mini-episodes are short vignettes based on mobile user acquisition topics or themes that we think could be helpful or instructive for you folks.
Very recently, we noticed that for an account we were working on, Google UAC ads were running – but installs just weren’t seen in their MMP. The MMP was set up correctly – and Google conversions were set up correctly. We removed and re-set-up this tracking – and nothing changed.
We went back and forth with both Google and the MMP – until we realized what was happening.
The account was running only videos and text ads – and because the bids weren’t high enough, the videos were getting zero impressions. And we realized that installs coming from search on iOS do NOT get passed back to MMPs from Google.
This of course was why we were noticing no installs in the MMP.
Of course if you see no installs and you’re running only text ads on iOS, this might be what’s happening. However, what you should also realize is that if you have search, display and Youtube ads, your MMP will pick up display and Youtube installs – but not search installs, so your installs on iOS are always likely to be underreported.
At this point, we don’t know of any workarounds for this (other than taking Google reported numbers as the source of truth). If you guys know of solutions, we’d love to know – please leave a comment or email us at shamanth at
I have a very important favor to ask, which as those of you who know me know I don’t do often. If you get any pleasure or inspiration from this episode, could you PLEASE leave a review on your favorite podcasting platform – be it iTunes, Overcast, Spotify or wherever you get your podcast fix. This podcast is very much a labor of love – and each episode takes many many hours to put together. When you write a review, it will not only be a great deal of encouragement to us, but it will also support getting the word out about the Mobile User Acquisition Show.
Constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement are welcome, whether on podcasting platforms – or by email to shamanth at We read all reviews & I want to make this podcast better.
Thank you – and I look forward to seeing you with the next episode!