If you’re starting out with mobile user acquisition on Facebook, what is the exact account structure that we recommend? This episode walks you through the 3 key components that matter the most.

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Now as we structure and account for an indie developer that has never run paid marketing before I try to stay mindful of the three key pillars of user acquisition:
- Audience
- Economics
- Creators
And with that length, let’s look at the specific setup that we recommend for somebody just starting out.
- Audience – Now if you have some organic usage, engagement purchases. We almost always recommend setting up your first ad set. So as to Target one percent look-alikes of your existing purchases or engages or people who complete some deeper funnel event. Now, if you do not have any purchasing data or engaged ata just because you’re so new we typically recommend starting with interest targeting and as soon as you have about a 100 – 200 deeper funnel events, switching to 1% look alike. Again, I typically recommend especially if you have very small budget two and a half to five thousand a month starting with one or a maximum of to add sets just so you’re not spending your budgets too thin.
- Big dimension of user acquisition economics of bidding. Again, our approach here is very analogous to our approach to structuring audiences. Which is if we have purchaser data or deeper funnel event data then we almost always optimized for purchases or deeper funnel events. If these are not available, we optimized for installs and switch the deeper funnel events as soon as we have about a hundred to two hundred events.
- Key dimension creatives. Again, this can be challenging for a lot of Indie developers because if you have never made ads before where do you begin? Fortunately you have comparable and competitive creators available for review in the Facebook ads Library. It’s hard for me to imagine a time when you couldn’t access your competitors creatives and now you can just Google for Facebook ads library, and you should be able to find competitor creators out there. And once you have competitors creatives and you have an understanding of what messaging is working, what imager is working, you don’t necessarily have to hire engage a designer right out of the gate. You could use any of the stock image sites. Like unsplash.com or pixabay.com which allow free stock images and you could certainly use those as starting point.
And as you gather learnings as you get a couple of purchases under your belt you can look at engaging freelance designers from websites like upwork.com and so you can have more customized creators. So those are the key first steps. You need to take to get started with mobile user acquisition on Facebook and in structuring your first Facebook ads and structuring a first Facebook account. These aren’t necessarily rocket science, but given the plethora of bells and whistles available in the Facebook interface often times it’s important to be very, very cognizant of the few critical pieces that matter to you.
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