
In this episode we talk about the similarities between hook rates and d1 retention – and share how hooks can be akin to ‘activation’ for a video.

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Hook rates are undeniably crucial in performance marketing, not only for user-generated content (UGC) but also for non-UGC and animated ads. While it might seem obvious that users will scroll past a video that fails to engage them immediately, it’s worthwhile to delve deeper into the reasons behind this behavior.

The importance of hook rates can be likened to D1 retention rates in consumer products or free-to-play games. For those familiar with this area, you know that D1 retention is a pivotal metric that often determines the success or failure of a game or app. 

Activation within these initial periods—where a user completes tutorials, makes their first purchase, or takes other significant actions—marks them as ‘active’. Conversely, if a user disengages by D1, subsequent efforts typically have little impact – irrespective of how amazing your content may be beyond d1.

Viewing this from the perspective of video ads, the retention profile of a video mirrors that of a game, albeit on a condensed timescale. In gaming, retention is tracked from D0 to D30, but for videos, the crucial intervals are much shorter—seconds rather than days from the first 3 seconds to 10 seconds to 30 seconds. 

This similarity underscores why optimizing hook rates is mathematically sensible. With over 35-40 percent of viewers dropping off after the hook, ensuring that a substantial number reach the core message of your video is essential. 

Think of the hook as ‘activation’ or ‘tutorial complete’ for your videos – without which anything else happening downstream doesnt matter.


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