In today’s episode, I’m going to talk through some of the strategies we recommend and use on our team for competitive analysis and for generating ideas and inspiration from what’s happening on the internet.

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In today’s episode, I’m going to talk through some of the strategies we recommend and use on our team for competitive analysis and for generating ideas and inspiration from what’s happening on the internet.
Longest-running ads:
Look at ads that have been active for the longest period of time. This is frequently an indication of performance because the longer an ad is running, the better it could be set to perform.
We use Foreplay to save our ads and use it as a swipe file. One of the coolest features of Foreplay, which is somewhat underappreciated, is that it tells you the number of days the ad has been active for and you can sort by this number. You can look at ads that have been active for over 30 days, 60 days, or whatever makes sense for you and your product.
Segmenting ads:
Segment ads in the Meta Ads Library. You could look at just ads that are active or you could segment ads by videos or display ads. You could segment ads by the geos that they run in. That allows you to zoom in on specific types of ads, which is especially useful if the advertiser you’re looking at has thousands of ads running, making it hard to parse or review.
Patterns in ads:
Look for similar formats or patterns in different ads. For example, an ad could have the same messaging with different colored backgrounds or the same messaging with different hooks or different visual hooks. That is most often a sign that the core messaging is working, which is why the advertiser is building iterations of this particular ad in different ways. That is frequently a sign that this is something that you could use as inspiration.
Search for ads and products:
Another place I would recommend looking at for inspiration would be the TikTok top ads dashboard, which is very useful because it provides a number of metrics and parameters that can be very, very helpful to you. You can look at the number of likes, comments, shares and what percentile the CTR is in. You can get to see if the budget is high as categorized by TikTok. All of these are very, very valuable signals as to whether the ad itself is viral, whether the ad is something that’s effective and is getting a lot of budget or spend.
Symphony Assistant:
Something else that I recommend looking at while on TikTok is the symphony assistant. Now, this is something you see on the top right-hand corner. That is, as of now, this might change as you go forward. But whenever you ask for the assistant for scripts or creative inspiration or for help in brainstorming ideas, it gives you reference ads, which can often serve as inspiration, which you can drill down deeper into to understand trends to and to generate ideas better.
I hope this gives you ideas and insights into how you can do your own competitive analysis and brainstorming. Thank you.
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Thank you – and I look forward to seeing you with the next episode!