In this episode, we talk about the fine balance that creatives have to strike between appealing to algorithms and appealing to humans – and how getting this balance right is critical for the long-term health of a product.

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In last week’s email newsletter, I discussed how a top-performing creative could potentially harm a product. This topic spurred a lot of discussion and follow-up conversations. Two main themes emerged from these discussions:
Optimizing for Algorithms vs. Humans: The issue with the clickbaity creative in question was its heavy optimization for algorithms. This approach resulted in a biased focus on top-of-funnel metrics such as click-through rates, installs, impressions per mile (IPMs), and cost per install. These metrics are favored by algorithms due to their abundance.
The Pitfall of Top-of-Funnel Metrics: While valuable to algorithms for their quantity, top-of-funnel metrics overlook critical down-funnel events like repeat purchases and retention, which are vital for long-term product success. These down-funnel events are often too scarce for optimization efforts or occur too long after the install, making them largely invisible to algorithms. Consequently, there’s an imbalance where algorithms prioritize top-of-funnel metrics over more significant, long-term human interest, which nearly led to the product’s downfall due to insufficient human engagement and interest.
It’s imperative to strike a balance between catering to algorithms and appealing to actual humans. The objective should always be to attract the right kind of audience—those who find genuine value in the product—rather than individuals randomly targeted by the algorithm. This involves balancing a focus on hooks, clicks, and top-of-funnel metrics with an understanding of the real problems your product addresses.
Achieving this balance means not only highlighting clickbaity issues but also providing solutions. It’s about capturing attention ethically and guiding prospects toward a solution. Without this balance, a top-performing ad might seriously undermine or even damage your product.
I have a very important favor to ask, which as those of you who know me know I don’t do often. If you get any pleasure or inspiration from this episode, could you PLEASE leave a review on your favorite podcasting platform – be it iTunes, Overcast, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcast fix. This podcast is very much a labor of love – and each episode takes many many hours to put together. When you write a review, it will not only be a great deal of encouragement to us, but it will also support getting the word out about the Mobile User Acquisition Show.
Constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement are welcome, whether on podcasting platforms – or by email to shamanth@rocketshiphq.com. We read all the reviews & I want to make this podcast better.
Thank you – and I look forward to seeing you with the next episode!